Towards Energy-Efficient Tbps Wireless Links


Towards Energy-Efficient Tbps Wireless Links

Project summary

The exponential demand on global wireless data streaming services is pushing current communication network technologies to their limits. To respond to this demand, future 6G networks will depend on high-speed (Tbit/sec) data rate transmission via easily deployable and energy-efficient wireless links. Current 5G wireless systems, characterized by their small spectral bandwidths and high power electronics are fundamentally limited in terms of achievable data rates vs energy consumption. 

TeraGreen develops a new disruptive technology path for sustainable and scalable commercial exploitation of the THz spectrum for energy-efficient and Tbit/sec wireless communication links

TeraGreen is expected to reduce the power consumption in future 6G base stations by a factor of at least 1000 in terms of energy per bit, while increasing the aggregated data rates by a factor of at least 10.

Project Objectives

Objective 1

TeraGreen develops lens integrated SiGe-BiCMOS transceivers in the THz band that can transmit and receive high-speed, energy-efficient pico-second signals.

Objective 2

TeraGreen performs a proof of concept of high-speed and high-efficient wireless transmission for a medium range link distance at THz using silicon technology for the first time.

Objective 3

TeraGreen develops quasi-optical MIMO array architectures to exploit the high degree of spatial multiplexing of the THz spectrum.

Objective 4

TeraGreen performs the first proof of concept that Tbit/sec wireless transmission in the THz spectrum using near-field spatial multiplexing is possible.

Work Packages

(Note that the orange hotspots are not linked to the corresponding workpackage pages yet.
These pages are still in progress.)

Graphic representing Work Packages


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